Farm Owner « Cameron McMahon
I consider myself to be a professional generalist. I have worked in a number of fields, from construction, factory work, crewing on the tall ship H.M.S. Bounty, dogsledding for 8 years (5 of which I raced professionally), 11 years of martial arts experience, and was in the USMC infantry for 4 years.
At the Yestermorrow Design/ Build School I studied ecological design/ permaculture/ natural building/ woodworking/ and regenerative agriculture, graduated Cum Laude from Columbia University with a BA in Sustainable Development and got my MBA in Sustainable Innovation from the University of Vermont. I am on the board of the VT state chapter of the nonprofit Farmer Veteran Coalition. I am also on the board of the nonprofit Willowell Foundation, with which I am partnered for my farm. I have started my business, Tree of Life Farm, and am developing the operation on 220 acres in Monkton VT. |